chiropractic care for pre + postnatal
navigate the transition to motherhood
a happier, healthier pregnancy and beyond
from pesky morning sickness and sciatic pain to those everyday aches from holding, feeding, and rocking your little one, we're here to support you every step of the way—from baby bump to baby snuggles.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy and after delivery is gentle and effective
Having a baby is such an exciting time, but it can also be a time of aches and pains for mamas both before and after pregnancy. Up to 80% of pregnant women experience moderate to debilitating back, pelvic, and leg pain amongst other symptoms. Luckily, our wellbe chiropractors can help. From morning sickness and sciatic pain to relieving the postural aches that come with holding, lifting, nursing and feeding, we’ve got (more than just) your back (literally!) as you navigate this beautiful transition to motherhood.
we’re here to help guide you back into balance
prenatal chiropractic care
During pregnancy, those pre-existing (and often, unnoticed!) imbalances in the pelvis and spine become even more stressed and strained. Plus, the weight of a growing uterus changes the way a woman’s body moves and functions, shifting her balance and putting pressure on the joints of the hips, pelvis and lower back. These things make everyday activity increasingly difficult for a pregnant woman.
Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the common discomforts experienced in pregnancy. Specific adjustments (such as the Webster technique) eliminate any stress in the spine and establish alignment and balance in the pelvis ensuring baby is the best possible position for delivery—and giving mama some much needed relief.
Postnatal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care benefits all mamas, no matter what type of delivery they experience. Using gentle techniques to guide the pelvis back into balance, our chiropractors ensure you are properly aligned as you care for your newborn. A post-baby visit to the chiro will also help decrease the strain on the muscles and joints that come as a result of feeding, lifting and bouncing your newborn. Our chiros equip you with exercise recommendations and specific rehabilitation programs to ensure proper healing and restoring function.

the webster technique
The Webster Technique is a gentle yet specific treatment technique designed specifically for pregnant patients to help ease the symptoms of an unbalanced pelvis and misaligned spine. The goal of treatment is to reduce the tension in the lower back, hips and pelvis and improve alignment.
Our chiropractors are specifically trained in the Webster Technique, to help the pelvis open, allowing your baby space to move into proper, optimal positioning. The technique also helps to maintain ideal positioning leading up to delivery. In addition, our chiropractors release tight muscles and ligaments in other areas of the body that may be bothersome.
meet your team
your wellbe chiropractors
If you have any questions about chiropractic care for pre and postnatal, please use our chat box, or contact us.
Chiropractic care is absolutely safe through all trimesters of pregnancy (even as early as the first month) and does not harm the growing baby in any way. Special pregnancy pillows, wedges and supports are used during treatment to ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed.
Not at all! Prenatal chiropractic care involves the Webster Technique. The Webster Technique is a gentle yet specific chiropractic adjustment designed to help ease the symptoms of an unbalanced pelvis and misaligned spine. In so doing, the biomechanical function of the pelvis is improved. In addition, our chiropractors will spend some time releasing tight muscles and ligaments in the areas of the body that are holding tension. You will walk away feeling like a new person!
Treatment can start at any point in your pregnancy. We find the earlier you start, the better you feel throughout pregnancy...get that pregnancy glow on!
Using the Webster Technique, a chiropractor may gently open up and align the pelvis as well as release any tension in the ligaments of the uterus, allowing baby space to move into the proper head down position naturally. If the baby is in the correct position, the technique also helps to maintain that ideal positioning leading up to delivery. The Webster Technique has been found to have an 82% success rate in clinical studies for breech babies (JMPT July/August 2002).
While this is a common question among mamas-to-be, there is no right answer. Chiropractic care in the post-partum period is such a huge part of healing and recovery for many mamas, and treatment can occur at any point after giving birth. Most mamas come in as soon as they feel comfortable leaving the house.
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