Doris Chan
client experience manager, outdoor enthusiast, and house plant obsessed
Doris revels in the little things that bring joy to her life, so she understands that even the small, insignificant things can have an impact on your {wellness} journey.
She strives to make wellbe feel like home for you with her warm and bubbly nature so that taking the time for self care doesn’t feel like an errand, but more like a warm {virtual} hug.
She loves hearing about people’s stories - from their wins to losses, from the exciting to mundane, and everything in between. Each person is different and unique, so she is committed to ensure that your health concerns aren’t lost among the masses. From finding an appointment to making sure you can find parking—she’s got you!
fun facts about Doris
Loves being in the alpine backcountry
a sucker for tear-jerker books (highly recommends A Little Life, it’s her all-time fave)
can eat a whole cake by herself in one day (she’s got a major sweet tooth)
we’re here to help
If you need any assistance booking an appointment with one of our practitioners, please contact us.